The Age of Darkness

Publicado 4 Oct 2012, 4:35 pm

The Age of Darkness

“The divine light is always in man, but man rejects it.” ~Giordano Bruno

The age of darkness is the age of ignorance. It is as if the world is living in a reality in which we have blindfolds over our eyes. Can you not see that everything we need is already here? Maybe a lot of people cannot see or will never see. It’s like a human being that was born in darkness and lives in darkness eventually loses the ability to see and becomes blind for the rest of his or her life. That is the example of Neural Darwinism, which is briefly described in the video below.

However, this is not about the ability to see with the eyes, but the ability to see with the mind and to understand with the heart. The lack of this ability is the reason that man has become empty like a black hole devouring everything in its path. Man has become addicted to artificial wealth known as money. Many are addicted to profit to the extent of being in denial, and denial is common for addicts. The paradox of our age is that lawyers destroy justice, schools destroy knowledge, doctors destroy health, governments destroy freedom, major media outlets destroy information, and religions destroy spirituality.