“The illusion that we are separate from one another is an optical delusion of our consciousness.” ~Albert Einstein
“The illusion that we are separate from one another is an optical delusion of our consciousness.” ~Albert Einstein
“All parts are one stupendous whole, whose body nature is… and God its soul.” ~Alexander Pope
The purpose of life is to realize our oneness with God, which is everything within ourselves and everything without ourselves, hence all of creation, and our physical reality which comes from within. Take for instance our ocean as an infinite ocean and an example of God. God being unconscious of him/herself desired to know itself. Like most of us do today, we are unaware of ourselves and look outside for an external form of reference of who we think we are. As we look outside of ourselves for answers we will find nothing, as God once did before the beginning (the Big Bang). There was nothing outside of itself because God is all there is. All there is did the only thing it could do, God began to look within itself and then decided to implode turning itself inside out. That explains the big bang and the beginning of all creation. We are literally within God. We are the universe, God and infinity and the universe, God and infinity is YOU! As Jesus once said,
“Behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” ~Luke 17:21
From absolute oneness the illusion of relativity, separation and “Duality” emerged. Suddenly Duality made it seem like it can be here and there, far and near, black and white, up and down. And for God to fully experience her/himself, God became the many, first, from the mineral world, to plant life, through all animal, and finally through YOU and me. However this may seem similar to Darwin’s theory of evolution, it is not! It is the opposite of Darwin’s theory of evolution. The experience of evolution and the Gods is the development of consciousness, thus explaining that physical form follows consciousness not the other way around. Like a drop of water from the infinite ocean it is the same in kind and quality as the whole, as quoted in the previous blog post “7,000,000,000” by Kahlil Gibran,
“I discovered the secret of the sea in meditation upon a dew drop.”
Like every drop of water it is its own individual soul, and its own universe. Every drop of water feels separate from the ocean, and this is what gives us the illusion of individuality to gather experience for the infinite mind. After we evolve consciously the human form is attained. Ours souls reincarnate to gain more experience for the infinite mind, thus describing the reason for “Karma,” which is the spiritual law of “Cause and Effect.” The increasing notion of consciousness also gives rise to the illusion of separateness, “The Ego.” Click here to watch a video of The Ego.
The next question arises, where are we going with this? Where is this taking us? One of the dominant trends of evolution is the linking of small units into larger units. It is seen as an example in the atom, the linking of protons, neutrons, and electrons, to the linking of combinations of atoms into combinations of molecules found in minerals and the elements, and then the spark of life. From molecules into cells and DNA, such as plant and animal life, the next stage of evolution has already begun known as civilization and societies throughout the world. Now as we have linked at the physical level, we are beginning to link regardless of distance as a result of telecommunication and the iIternet, especially now with technologies advancements we are beginning to exchange information with each other regardless of physical distance. This is the next phase of evolution the linking of mind to mind. In theory the interesting parallel is that it took approximately 7,000,000,000 atoms to create the molecule, and approximately 7,000,000,000 nerve cells to create the human brain and the characteristic of humanity. Consequently, there is approximately 7,000,000,000 people on earth, and through the process of inductive reasoning it is the next phase of evolution which is consciousness into global evolution of consciousness. Again, there is a parallel between the development of societies and civilization and the human embryo, as shown in the video of 7,000,000,000 (Click here to see video)
(to be continued…)
“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality” ~John Lennon
“If you want to understand the universe, study the atom, if you want to understand God, you must look within yourself.” ~Unknown
There is approximately 7,000,000,000 people on earth and each of us only holds ONE point if view, one perception of reality! So how much do we really know or understand? From the microcosm to the macrocosm, there is a pattern that repeats throughout the universe due to its own fractal and infinite nature. From the moment of conception of any sentient being, conception sets in motion a microcosmic big bang duplicating the macrocosmic big bang of a universe. We are on the verge of the awakening of humanity, and the birth of a new humanity. But just like in birth, where we first evolve within the womb of the mother and then as we near partition from the safety of the womb we must experience labor pains, we will see the pains throughout our planet. They will become more frequent and more intense, as the moment of birth nears, labor contractions can be timed and become more frequent. So can the pains of humanity’s birth be timed with the Fibonacci spiral as mentioned in “The Golden Ratio“? ‘The human psyche is what speeds up in accordance to the Golden Ratio. Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity does define space as being curved and through inductive reasoning time itself must also follow the kinetic shape of the golden ratio spiral. As we near the fear based propaganda of “the end of the world,” every epoch from the past will resonate with future epochs in time. Thus, showing the compression of events (labor pains) throughout the world in a smaller time table describing the speeding of the human psyche. Consequently, the physics definition of ‘epoch’ is the displacement from zero to zero time of a body (body meaning psyche or universe) undergoing simple harmonic motion and change. As Jesus once said,
“Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, “I am the Christ,” and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.” ~Matthew 24:4-8
Every individual is his or her own microcosmic universe within a macrocosmic universe and both obeying the same laws of our creator within itself. To understand the microcosm is to understand the macrocosm, as above so below, as below so above, as within so without, as without so within. As mentioned in “Freewill and Destiny,” ‘It is only at the immeasurable outer reaches of space where chaos is still found. Just as the pieces of a shattered vase, our universe continues to expand and the pieces of the universe continue to find there place within space and time.’ Likewise we do the same in every moment of our lives, we are at the leading edge of creation itself, like an expanding universe we continue to expand and the pieces of our lives continue to find there place within space and time. “Karma” and reincarnation can also be explained in the blog post “Freewill and Destiny,” ‘If our universe exploded it must implode and then re-explode and then re-implode. Infinitely, this is how the paradox of the big bang (and reincarnation) and our infinite universe is reconciled.’ Thus describing our own infiniteness. For example when a star like our sun is extinguished it implodes into itself. Likewise the light within each of us is the same as the light of a sun, in the moment of the illusion of death the light of our being implodes back into the soul.
“To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower. Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.” ~William Blake
“I discovered the secret of the sea in meditation upon a dew drop.” ~Kahlil Gibran
I cannot imagine how the clockwork of the universe can exist without a clockmaker. ~ Voltaire
The paradox between Freewill and Destiny seem to be separate from each other however like in “Duality,” one cannot exist without the other. We know freewill exists because we experience it through every choice we’ve made or make. The question is did we really make a choice? Or was it predetermined by our destiny? Since destiny implies that we do not have a choice, is freewill just another illusion of what we call life? In destiny we cannot be held responsible for mistakes we supposedly made because they were predetermined through “Cause and Effect,” ever since the beginning of the big bang of our universe.
“Life is like a game of cards. The hand you are dealt is determinism; the way you play it is freewill.” ~Jawaharlal Nehru
To understand destiny one must understand destiny at the macrocosmic level of our universe so we can attempt to understand destiny at our own personal microcosmic level. Freewill is like understanding chaos. Since every choice we make results like an unpredictable ripple effect of “The Butterfly Effect,” “Cause and Effect” and “Chaos Theory,” there is no such thing as a result of order within freewill. Order will only be found within destiny. Everything in the universe has an order and that order is also known as destiny. Take for instance, it is our destiny that the sun will rise at a particular appointed time in space, our known universe has become cyclical in its own nature. Just as our sun will rise to conjunct for the first time in 26,000 years at the intersection of our galactic ecliptic and our Milky Way galaxy the sun will align with earth and the black hole at the center of our galaxy on December 21st 2012. Since the beginning of the paradox of the big bang, science has suggested that everything exploded out and that our universe is expanding and speeding away. An example is a shattered vase exploding in slow motion into incalculable different pieces which is like “Chaos Theory.” The reverse of that is when “Chaos Theory” begins ordered and flows into chaotic motion. Our universe began chaotic and then came to pass into an ordered cyclical pattern and motion.
However, our universe before all space in time began ordered as a wholeness, as one, about the size of a mustard seed. Like a whole vase of nothingness before space and time and soon after the mustard seed exploded into what we call the big bang, our universe began its chaotic motion. However, order and destiny is not found until the pieces have settled and can be measured accordingly. It is only at the immeasurable outer reaches of space where chaos is still found. Just as the pieces of the shattered vase, our universe continues to expand and the pieces of the universe continue to find there place within space and time. The paradox of the big bang is that if our universe is infinite in its own nature, then that implies that there never was a beginning or an end. Only through the universal law of rhythm can the paradox of the big bang be reconciled. Just as a heart beats is an example of rhythm, just as we inhale, we exhale, what goes up, must come down. As there is night, there must be day, as there is low tide, there is high tide, the pendulum swing to the left must also be equal to the swing to the right, rhythm moves between the two poles of “Duality.” Therefore, if our universe exploded it must implode and then re-explode and then re-implode. Infinitely, this is how the paradox of the big bang and our infinite universe is reconciled, as partially shown in “All Will Arrive.” God’s freewill is our destiny and our destiny is freewill.
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. and the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
Then God said “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night.” ~Genesis 1-5
The pioneering scientist Benjamin Libet, in the field of human consciousness, performed an experiment where the test subjects (people) were recorded acting volitionally (in freewill) half a second after the electrical signal was registered within the brain. Free voluntary acts are found to be initiated unconsciously before an awareness of wanting to act. However, this can be seen as a half a second prediction of the future or proof that freewill is just a figment of our imaginations and that we are merely acting in response to the predetermined electrical signal interpreted by our brains.
“Freewill: “I made you think so.”
Predestination: “I knew you had to.” ~Toba Beta
Sometimes life forces us to make decisions we normally would not make, life forces us into our own destiny through our own freewill. With that said, difficulties in life are merely a sign that we are refusing to accept what we require, or refusing to let go of what we no longer need. Understanding this concept is the example of true surrender of our own freewill to our destiny as mentioned in “Wake Up III” ‘Wisdom and enlightenment are never achieved by taking and resisting, but through surrendering and allowing. Allowing is not an easy thing to do for most of us, as it implies to lose control of our freewill. Life is a balance of allowing and action, and finding the rhythm between the two. If we allow when we should act, we will fail. Likewise if we act when we should allow we will fail. It is the learning to balance between the paradox of destiny and freewill when we will succeed.’ The greatest gift that we can ever give to God is to surrender to God. The greatest gift that God has given us, is our freewill, our power to make “Choices.” What I mean ‘to surrender to God is not a fictitious entity that exist as being separate from us but to surrender to the things that have been placed before us to be conquered within.’ Resisting signifies our denial to our own destiny, our own creation, surrendering signifies we are finally listening to our true selves, to our destiny, instead of some fictitcious beliefs we have adapted from someone else, society or our own “Ego” to choose to surrender is still a choice, or is it?? Click here to watch a video about ‘The Ego’
“You can’t change the past. You can’t even change the future, in the sense that you can only change the present one moment at a time, stubbornly, until the future unwinds itself into the stories of our lives.” ~Larry Wall
“Nature hides her secrets because of her essential loftiness, but not by means of deceit.” ~Albert Einstein
“The good, of course, is always beautiful, and the beautiful never lacks proportion.” ~Plato
Everything in nature and the entire universe follows a pattern from the microcosm to the macrocosm. The golden ratio has been given various names like the golden mean, the divine ratio, the cosmic code, the fingerprint of God, and many more. Here we will simply call it the ‘Golden Ratio’ or ‘Phi.’ Like the “The Fibonacci Sequence” it is the blueprint to our universe and everything contained within it. The mathematical blueprint is 1.618, also known as Phi and 0.618 as lowercase phi. Phi was coined after the Greek sculptor Phidias. Like the fibonacci sequence of 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377 and to infinitum, Phi is the addition of each preceding number to the next. When each number of the fibonacci sequence is divided by lowercase phi (0.618), you will get the next number in the fibonacci sequence. For example, 55 divided by 0.618 equals 89. Also, 89 divided by 0.618 equals 144. If you divide each number of the fibonacci sequence to the next, for example, 144 divided by 233, it equals 1.618 (Phi). Then 233 divided by 377 equals 1.618. After the thirteenth number in the fibonacci sequence the golden ratio is fixed at 1.618. When Phi 1.618 is multiplied by any number in the fibonacci sequence, the result is the next number up in the sequence. When lowercase phi 0.618 is multiplied by any number in the fibonacci sequence it results in the next number down. However, it’s no coincidence!
“Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what it is not so.” ~Galileo
1.618 is what is considered attractive, beautiful or aesthetically pleasing to the human eye. The golden ratio is also a fractal in its own nature. The philosophical question is ‘what is beautiful?’ 1.618 is the key to composing art and the definition of beauty. In the ideal human body and face the golden ratio is also found in the distance between the navel and the foot. Also, the height of the human is equal to 1.618. Other examples are the distance between the wrist and the elbow, the distance between the fingertip and the elbow, the distance between the shoulder and the top of the head to the distance between the navel to the top of the head all equal 1.618. The width of the head x the length of the head, from shoulder to shoulder + the length of the arm = 1.618. There are many more measurements in the human body that equal 1.618. However 1.618 can also be seen as another interpretation of the bible verse.
“Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness… and God created man in Gods own image.” ~Genesis 1:26-27
The golden ratio is also seen throughout nature from various plants, flowers, pine cones, the nautilus shell, hurricanes, and to the macrocosm of the galaxy. The images below are a few examples of the golden ratio in nature.
“Like God, the Divine Proportion is always similar to itself.” ~Luca Pacioli
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” ~Aristotle
As we near the winter solstice of December 21, 2012, time seems to be speeding up. However, the fact is that time does not speed up. The human psyche is what speeds up in accordance to the Golden Ratio. Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity does define space as being curved and through inductive reasoning time itself must also follow the kinetic shape of the golden ratio spiral. As we near the fear based propaganda of “the end of the world,” every epoch from the past will resonate with future epochs in time. Thus, showing the compression of events throughout the world in a smaller time table describing the speeding of the human psyche. Consequently, the physics definition of ‘epoch’ is the displacement from zero to zero time of a body (body meaning psyche or universe) undergoing simple harmonic motion and change. As described by the German mathematician Hermann Minkowski in which time and space are not separate from each other in a four dimensional space-time.
“The views of space and time which I wish to lay before you have sprung from the soil of experimental physics, and therein lies their strength. They are radical. Henceforth space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into the mere shadows, and only a kind of union of the two will preserve an independent reality.” ~Hermann Minkowski
“The human mind has first to construct forms, independently, before we can find them in things.” ~Albert Einstein
Please watch the following videos below to see how the golden ratio and the fibonacci sequence relates to time and space. Featuring the song Lateralus by Tool.
2. 2012 – A New Beginning – A New Hope – An Old Truth
“The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing.” ~Socrates
“Do you want to be right, or do you want to be free?” ~Kute Blackson
“He that is kind is free, though he is a slave, he that is evil is a slave, though he be a king.” ~Saint Augustine
Wisdom and enlightenment are never achieved by taking and resisting, but through surrendering and allowing. Allowing is not an easy thing to do for most of us, as it implies to lose control of our freewill. Life is a balance of allowing and action, and finding the rhythm between the two. If we allow when we should act, we will fail. Likewise if we act when we should allow we will fail. It is the learning to balance between the paradox of destiny and freewill when we will succeed. We have been conditioned into believing that we know who we think we are, but any preconceived idea is the attachment and limitation of “The Ego” to a particular outcome of an idea, circumstance, or event. As described in “The Butterfly Effect” and “Chaos Theory” no particular future outcome is definite, except the only definite moment we experience in the present.
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, that is why it’s called the present.” ~ Unknown
The greatest gift that we can ever give to God is to surrender to God. The greatest gift that God has given us, is our freewill, our power to make “Choices.” What I mean ‘to surrender to God’ is not a fictitious entity that exist as being separate from us but to surrender to the things that have been placed before us to be conquered within. Being a servant to freedom does not signify that freedom is the preconceived ideas we have of what we think freedom is, just as having freewill does not signify freedom and sovereignty. Freedom and peace is not something that we must achieve. Freedom is simply knowing that we are free to what has been free forever. We can’t have something that is already here. It only needs to be recognized, as discovery is seeing what everyone has seen, but doing what very few have done. In my previous blog post I mentioned, ‘In this world and this life we don’t own anything. If we can lose something, it never was ours. If it was never ours, that means we can never lose it. It’s “The Ego’s” sense of attachment that gives us the illusion of loss. We can lose everything in our physical world, such as people and material possessions, including our bodies and our lives, as loss is only the illusion of misfortune, deprivation and perplexity.’ With that said, it is only through fear and pain that we fear loss and suffering. But only through our own inner stillness and understanding and conquering what we have within, will we become fearless.
“Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.” ~Buddha
“Every person, all the events of your life, are there because you have drawn them there. What you choose to do with them is up to you.” ~Richard Bach
In this world and this life we don’t own anything. If we can lose something, it never was ours. If it was never ours, that means we can never lose it. It’s “The Ego’s” sense of attachment that gives us the illusion of loss. We can lose everything in our physical world, such as people and material possessions, including our bodies and our lives, as loss is only the illusion of misfortune, deprivation and perplexity. However, the only thing that is ours, that not even God can or will ever take away from us, is the power of choice. Through our choices we also gather experiences for the infinite mind also known as God, because there is always a choice. Every emotion of happiness or sorrow, of love or fear, every thought whether positive or negative is a choice. As the philosopher and psychologist William James once said,
“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.”
With choices comes responsibility, which responsibility simply means, “response ability or the ability to respond.” Every action or inaction is a choice, sometimes even the wrong choices bring us to the right places. Which ever way you look at it, it is still a choice! Through our choices we have experience and experience is reality. You have the choice of giving your choices away to give yourself the illusion that you have no choice, do you choose to believe me? As mentioned in the blog post “Wake Up II,” what would this planet look like if we took back the one power we consistently give away, CHOICE? There is always a choice, good, bad, indifferent, there is always a choice, love, fear, growth, decay, life and death, there is always a choice. The picture perfect ending or eternal struggle is but a consequence of the direction we choose to travel from here.
Happiness is a choice. Make it, ultimately the choice is yours!
“Your freedom begins when you realize it’s a choice.” ~Pepe Aguilar
“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.” ~Albert Einstein
The fibonacci sequence is a mathematical blue print of our universe and all of nature. The sequence goes as follows, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, which is the addition of each preceding number to the next. The fibonacci sequence was discovered by the Italian mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci while trying to solve the issue of rabbit’s growing population. During the upcoming weeks, I will discuss the fibonacci sequence, which is also known as “The Golden Ratio.” As we near the fear-based propaganda of the infamous date of December 21st 2012, I will explain the relation between us and fibonacci sequence, and time itself .
Please watch the video below and like always, Open your minds!
“Without mathematics there is no art.” ~Luca Pacioli